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Here are some of the common questions I get from patients regarding acupuncture  and holistic medicine that will help you understand what I do.

  • What happens during acupuncture treatment?
    Many people may be unfamiliar with what exactly takes place in an acupuncture session. Wondering what happens during treatment, how many visits may be needed and whether health insurance covers it are all common concerns. In a typical first visit, a practitioner will take a detailed health history, fully investigate your chief complaint and provide acupuncture for you. This may take up to an hour but is necessary to create an individualized treatment plan that takes into account your present physical, emotional, and nutritional condition, while focusing on your main health concern. Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles (the width of two human hairs) into specific anatomical points. Return visits to an acupuncturist may also introduce the option of Chinese herbal therapy. Chinese herbal therapy reinforces acupuncture in a natural way without side-effects. The two are often used together to strengthen the effects of treatment and to achieve longer-lasting results in a shorter amount of time.
  • How does acupuncture work?
    Currently, there are a number of theories as to how exactly acupuncture works. It was once thought that inserting needles into specific parts of the body affected nerves and could inhibit their signal transmission. This was thought to explain why acupuncture could treat pain so well. But when doctors mapped the acupuncture points over the known nerve network they found that there was some correlation, but not nearly enough to explain most of its effects. Another theory stated that acupuncture stimulates the release of opioids and endorphins in the central nervous system. Although this could explain certain analgesic effects, it could not explain many others. The most current theory speculates that acupuncture points are actually strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals throughout the body. Stimulating points along these pathways influences neurotransmitter rates and resets the polarity of different parts of the body. This latest theory is by far the most comprehensive and most promising explanation for why acupuncture works in Western medical terminology.
  • Does acupuncture hurt?
    Acupuncture in general is not painful. The needles are extremely thin (about the width of 2 human hairs), solid, disposable and flexible. Sensations that patients normally experience are a dull ache or tingling which is associated with the movement of energy stimulated by the insertion of the needles. This is a desired affect and should not feel painful.
  • How many visits will I need?
    The number of visits you will need depends on several factors. One is how long you have had your current condition. Acute conditions, like a cold or flu will generally only require one or two treatments. Conditions that are more recent, like sudden pain from an injury or seasonal allergies may require 3 or 4 treatments before symptoms are reduced. Chronic conditions like PMS, asthma, back pain or other problems that you have had for many years may take anywhere from 4 to 10 treatments until you notice significant changes. At your first visit, your acupuncturist will take a detailed health history and will determine an appropriate treatment plan based on your signs and symptoms and the findings of that visit.
  • What does acupuncture treat?
    Currently, the National Institutes of Health has determined that acupuncture is effective in treating over 40 different disease categories. Following is a list of illnesses and conditions for which acupuncture has been proven to be effective. It is possible to treat these and many other conditions with acupuncture and Chinese medicine: - Addictions - Allergies - Ankle Swelling - Arm and Shoulder Pain - Arthritis - Attention Deficit Disorder - Back Pain - Bed Wetting - Blood Pressure - Bronchial Conditions - Bursitis - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Circulatory Issues - Colds - Colitis - Constipation - Cough - Depression - Detox - Diarrhea - Diverticulitis - Dizziness - Emphysema - Fatigue - Feet - Fibromyalgia - Flu - Gall Bladder Disorders - Gas - Gynecological Concerns - Hay Fever - Headache - Heart Problems - Hemorrhoids - Hip Pain - Immune System Deficiency - Indigestion - Infertility - Injuries - Insomnia - Joint Pain - Kidney Problems - Knee Pain - Leg Pain, Cramps - Liver Problems - Neck Pain, Stiffness - Nervousness - Neuralgia - Pain - Pleurisy - PMS - Pregnancy Symptoms - Prostate Problems - Rheumatism - Sciatica - Shingles - Shoulder Pain - Sinus Trouble - Skin Problems - Sports Injuries - Stomach Problems - Sore Throat - Thyroid Conditions - Ulcers - Urinary Problems - Whiplash
  • Do I need to drink more water after EE System session?
    Yes, you do need to drink more water. Energy needs water to move and exist. It is best to drink water before, during and most importantly after the session.
  • How do I prepare for the session?
    Hydrate about two hours before the session, so it's completely processed before you go in, so you don't have bathroom interruptions during your session. Bring eye covering if lights bother your eyes. Colorful lights are admitted from the monitors that create the photon fusion. Most people don't need eye coverings. Bring water to drink but also extra if you want to have some to drink on another day. Water holds the technology and will charge while in the room.
  • Why is sea salt bath important?
    Sea salt bath is important to take after each session. You can get a box of Morton's sea salt or special Himalayan or Black Sea salt. It pulls more of the toxins out so you don't reabsorb the toxins you can't detox with your kidney and liver. You can do a foot soak if you don't have an access to a bathtub. 2 cups of sea salt per bath, and 1 cup of sea salt per foot soak. Do not use Epsom salt for the detox bath. Epson salt is salt and magnesium. Magnesium doesn't detox. It is for calming the nervous system and relaxing the muscles.
  • How many sessions will I need to heal something?
    The technology is amazing and will definitely help with sleep, stress, energy etc. The technology is a vehicle for you to heal yourself. What you think while you're in the system and overall is what you will receive. You're the co-creator and the participant in this process. That's why it's hard to say how many sessions one will need because a miracle can happen within one session or a few.
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