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" After my first two hour session, three years after my oophorectomy, I feel libido in my body! It is incredible to know there is a way to get it back. I just finished my second two hour session and I spent some time inside really weeping and releasing so many emotions. I do feel lighter and look forward to more sessions. "


" I am definitely feeling better from last week. I had this gnarly staph infection that plagued me for more than 6 weeks. It is now gone, thank God! I'm feeling more like myself!! " P.


" I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you Dr. Jody. I felt so much better after my adjustment and slept all night on a rolled up towel like you suggested and felt so relaxed through my face and head. I am so grateful for your epic intuitive gifts and gentle, kind and nurturing nature. " Bree V.


" My tumor went from being 2 inches to half an inch. I did 5 overnight sessions in the EE System. I went ahead with the surgery, after which the nurse called and said that it was really strange because the tumor was smaller. The system reduced the tumor 1,5 inches! "

Teruo Y.

" My dog went from not walking and not being able to go outside to relief herself (we had her in diapers), to wagging her tail, being able to lift her legs up, walking and doing her business on her own! We spent 4 nights in the EE System, she was very calm and relaxed while being in there."


" I absolutely love the intuitive nature of the chiropractic adjustments. There's no force because the body knows what is out of alignment. Dr. Jody is very skillful in communicating with the subtle energies of the body and helping it to bring it back into balance. I went from being in discomfort to feeling a complete freedom in movement in my shoulder. " A.J.


Many are the women of proven worth, but for us, you have excelled them all. Proverbs 31 Vs. 29-31.

" When you walk into the center it feels like walking into a sacred womb. "


" My husband and I both had profound healings after our EE System sessions. My husband had to cut his blood pressure medication in half for the first time in 6 years!. I have stomach issues, fibromyalgia and fatigue. The inflammation in my stomach has gone way down. The fibromyalgia pain has eased and my energy is much better! "


" Dr Jody has been incredibly helpful in my healing journey. The EE system is amazing and I’m so grateful to God for this technology. I’ve heard stories from people having miracle healings quite quickly. My journey has required more patience as I came in with a lot of big health issues. From the first day, I noticed my legs felt like they were 20 years younger as I walked to my car. I have had a lot of swelling and inflammation. I did some overnights which I feel greatly changed my health. Each time I spent a longer time in the system, I would pass kidney stones quickly. I had a lot and it feels as if they’re almost all gone. This has avoided me having to have surgery, so I’m grateful.
I really enjoy the overnights as she sets up little beds and it’s very cozy.

Additionally, Dr Jody does a great type of chiropractic adjustment that is painless as well. I felt much better aligned and it lasted longer than other adjustments I have had for years with a well known chiropractor. She tailored a laser program for my low thyroid and I’ve felt wonderful changes just after a few sessions so I’m continuing with that as well.

One of the most remarkable things she did for me was the esoteric acupuncture (in the EE system) which I had never heard of before. I sustained some very big traumas and she felt this would be helpful. I have had a lot of gut issues and after one session of the acupuncture, my stomach distention vanished by 2/3. I also feel much lighter and happier than I’ve felt in many years. It is almost like I rewound the clock by at least 15 years. I know it’s a culmination of all she’s been helping me with plus some detoxing. The esoteric acupuncture really blew me away. I released a lot of emotions for a couple of days before I realized the impact. She also has a technology that scans you for dis-ease patterns and recommends energetic drops based on where you may be out of alignment. I wondered if they’d be noticeable because it seemed quite simple. I feel a boost anytime I take the drops, so I’m glad she recommended it as well. Dr Jody has helped me on many levels and she genuinely gets very excited as people heal. When you’re dealing with serious issues, sometimes you need to be patient and try multiple angles. Dr Jody explains that you must set positive intentions because they’re deeply amplified by the EE system. I’m not the kind of person who gives up even if I don’t see the same results as someone else. It’s important to give things more time and speak with her if you feel your case needs additional help. Dr Jody has many ways to help you heal and she’s very knowledgeable. God bless you Dr J! I finally feel like a new person, but I’m excited to see I am still improving. Next is getting her help on my weight loss journey as she has something for that too! "


" My low back pain on level 5 to 10 has gone after 2 hour EE System session! Vision cleared to not needing glasses to drive home. Improvement in focus to the point of what it was in Vietnam. Major improvement in prostate problems. "


" I did an overnight and a few EE System sessions and my blood work from last month showed the 2 cancer markers finally went to the "normal" zone for the first time! "


" The lymphedema in my right arm has improved and the swelling has done considerably after 1 session. It has continued after after 4 sessions and my arm is pain free. 

My blood count which I have checked each month due to cancer/medication has also improved. The doctor told me there wasn't anything I could do to help my blood count but after my EE Sessions there has been improvement. I have no side effects from the medication since I started the EE Sessions, no more fatigue, depression, nausea, brain fog. I feel great!


" I loved my sessions I had at the center and Dr. Jody's adjustments as well!! I loved how sweet and kind Dr. Jody was and the high vibe and integrity she carries and brings to her services. I look forward to having more appointments at the center! "


" I had a stroke with no signs of paralysis but I wasn’t able to talk and comprehend conversations.

After 4 2-hour sessions I noticed my communication, understanding and interpretation has improved! “


" I was able to pass a kidney stone after my 3rd session. “


" I had blood in my urine for one week straight. After just one session everything went back to normal and I had no more blood in urine! “

J. B.

" I am 58 years old and I am being worked up for a defibrillator for my heart. I flew in to Newport to go to Dr. Jody's

24 unit EE System. I spent an overnight and two other 2-hour sessions and returned home. Within the next month I was re-evaluated again. To my cardiologist's surprise I had 40% more function in my heart and I do not need to have defibrillator inserted in my heart. "


" I brought my mother to Dr. Jody's center because my mom had a prolapsed bladder. It was coming out. She was going to have surgery but her blood pressure was too high so they wouldn't do it. I found out about the EE System and Dr. Jody center and did an overnight. One night and her bladder came up and is no longer prolapsed. "


" I am 63 years old and have had psoriasis for 16 years. I did 3 hours in the EE System and my skin symptoms went from 10 to 5 that evening. I had neuropathy in my thumb and first two fingers. After the session I now have feelings in my fingers that I haven't had in 5 years! "


" I came to get a session at the EE System to seek alternative treatment for PSOS and Endometriosis. After just few minutes I felt and intense pain in my abdominal area. I made an intention to release it and the pain was gone! From there the energy went towards my stomach, then the heart area, my throat and when it reached the top of my head I started having pain again. I told myself that whatever it is that my body is trying to release and heal I surrender. I took a deep breath and the pain stopped immediately! After that I started having images of people, the ocean, the forest and a little boy who called ma Nana. This experience has been so surreal I do not have words to describe it. I feel so much happiness that my heart swells! I look forward to my next session! "


" My first 2 hour session was 3 weeks ago and I continued to experience the following positive results: regular morning bowel movements (without having to take something to keep regular); digestive issues are now 90% improved, no more acid reflux; energy improvement, I am doing so much more and feeling younger. “


" 1/24/23  YES TO EES! Happy New Year Everyone! I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2021. Last year around July 2022, I had a total of 8 hr EES session, (2 hrs every week) at a 24 unit system in Innovative Quantum Wellness, Newport Beach California. Then I went to have a Dexa scan (bone density test) done in August, a month after the EES. The result showed that my bone density was increased to 5% and that I no longer have osteoporosis! This is really an amazing EE System tech! Thank you Dr Jody! "


" I highly recommend Dr. Jody Danese chiropractic skills and her Innovative Quantum Wellness Center. When I first came in, I had neurological muscular problems that doctors had not been able to help me with. I was in a lot of pain, walked very slowly with a limp and was on supplement oxygen. Today, I rarely have pain. I walk normally now. I have so much more energy and can go for longer without the supplement oxygen. I am getting my life back. I am so grateful for the amazing progress I have made at Dr. Jody's center. "


" The best place I had ever been and if it wasn't for that room I would not have been able to be talking. I had many strokes and a lot of blood cloths in my tubes, and I only have the EE System @thesystemoc to thank for this miracle healing. "

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